Ruling on performing Jumu`ah Prayer at border centers


The first question of Fatwa no. 20866 All praise be to Allah Alone, and peace and blessings be upon the Last of the Prophets.The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' has read the Fatwa request submitted to His Eminence, the Grand Mufty, from the questioner, Head of Islamic Affairs Department for Border Guard at the north-borders. The question is referred to the Committee by Secretariat General of the Council of Senior Scholars, with registration no. 469, dated (Part No. 7; Page No. 60) 18 Muharram, 1420 A.H. After examination, the Committee answered the posed questions; following is the (first) question and its answer:Q 1: At the north borders we have more than forty border-centers. However, there are no available Masjids (mosque) constructed independent of the buildings of these centers. Therefore, congregational Salahs (Prayers) are offered in one of the rooms used as a Musalla (place for Prayer), or in the hall in which a rug is placed. The Five Obligatory Daily Salahs are offered there. Based on this, controversies have arisen regarding the permissibility of holding Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayers in these centers. Some, based on views of scholars, maintained that holding Jumu`ah Prayers inside these centers is impermissible. So what is the ruling on holding Jumu`ah Prayer at these centers? Are there certain criteria and conditions for this? Please note that the majority of workers there do not stay for a long time; they are transferred from one center to another. Please reply promptly to this urgent question, for its importance, so as not to allow ignorant people to address such issues.

A: It is not permissible for the employees at these centers to hold Jumu`ah Prayers independently (from the permanent residents), because they are not considered residents. One of the conditions for holding Jumu`ah Prayers is permanent residence. Those in question should offer Jumu`ah Prayer in any of the available Masjids at the nearby villages where Jumu`ah Prayers are held. However, if there are no Masjids in neighboring villages in which Jumu`ah Prayers are held by the inhabitants of the village, they should offer Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer instead. (Part No. 7; Page No. 61) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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